Friday, August 31, 2007

Get a chance to test the much awaited Windows Vista SP1 Beta

MS is sending out invites for Windows Vista SP1 Beta Preview:

Quote -

We are pleased to offer you an early preview of Microsoft® Windows Vista SP1 by extending this invitation to join the Windows Vista SP1 beta program. Your participation is completely voluntary. Program participants will preview Windows Vista SP1.
If you choose to participate you will have the opportunity to provide Microsoft with feedback as we continue work on this exciting new release. Please note that we have not made the Windows Vista SP1 Beta available on Microsoft Connect. The purpose of this email and survey is to ensure our current Windows Server 2008 beta participants have a first chance at participation. Successful participants will be notified via email when the Windows Vista SP1 Beta is available.
Confirming Your Interest in Participation
1. Go to
2. Sign-in using your Connect LiveID credentials.
3. Click on [My Participation] from the left-hand menu.
4. Click on [Windows Server 2008 Beta].
5. Click on Surveys from the left-hand pane.
6. Scroll down and select the "Windows Vista SP1 Beta Opportunity for Windows Server 2008 Beta Participants" survey.
7. Ensure your contact information in your profile is set to "Yes". (Note: The survey is showing a screenshot of the dialog box and is not editable. You must click on the link to go to your profile and edit your contact preferences).
Thank you for your participation and we look forward to hearing what you have to say about the Windows Vista SP1.
Microsoft Windows Beta Team

 source: Connect

For me the source is neowin